Controlling Boston Dynamics Robots with Custom App and Omnichannel Integration

Boston Dynamics Robots controlled with a custom app and remote monitoring developed by Mango Soft in collaboration with Konkering and Zerofractal for Veeam Software Venues

Mango Soft, a leading provider of technology solutions, has collaborated with Konkering and Zerofractal to develop a custom app and integrate a remote monitoring system for Veeam’s Boston Dynamics robots to be used on different venues worldwide such as VeeamON 2023 Expand, RSA Conference 2023 and others.

Mango Soft used their reliable on-cloud infrastructure to develop an app with autorecover functionalities which integrates its platform to report real-time data from all devices connected to the configured private network. The company has also integrated their Omnichannel Communication Platform to interact directly to clients registered via email and SMS, with additional channels available.

The robots, located in multiple global locations, are continually monitored while connected to the wifi private network, ensuring that the solution is working seamlessly and reducing support requirements for the company. This innovative solution has simplified the management of Veeam’s robots and exemplifies Mango Soft’s commitment to providing cutting-edge technology solutions. With Konkering's expertise in marketing and innovative solutions, the future of robotics has never been more exciting.


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